The angļu - spāņu interpreters listed below specialize in the general field of Other. To find a more specialized service provider, choose a more specific field on the right. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

797 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Anna Maria Przewozna
Anna Maria Przewozna
Native in poļu Native in poļu
polish, spanish, english, agriculture, technical, manuals
Charlotte Englund
Charlotte Englund
Native in angļu (Variants: UK, US, British, Canadian) Native in angļu, zviedru (Variants: Scanian / skånska, Halländska, Västgötska, Stockholm, Östgötska, Ångermanländska, Värmländska, Rikssvenska, Gothenburg) Native in zviedru
Sports / fiziskā sagatavotība / aktīvā atpūta, Mūzika, Kosmētika, skaistumkopšana, Māksla, daiļamatniecība, gleznošana, ...
Summer Roberson
Summer Roberson
Native in angļu (Variants: US South, UK) Native in angļu
Idiomas / aforismi / teicieni, Slengs, Mūzika, Folklora, ...
Elizabeth Chivers
Elizabeth Chivers
Native in angļu Native in angļu
Sertifikāti, diplomi, licences, CV, Tūrisms un ceļošana, Sports / fiziskā sagatavotība / aktīvā atpūta, Vēsture, ...
Helena Lee
Helena Lee
Native in spāņu (Variant: Latin American) Native in spāņu, korejiešu Native in korejiešu
Spēles / video spēles / azartspēles / kazino, Kino, filmas, TV, teātris, Mūzika, Mediji / plašsaziņas līdzekļi, ...
Antía López Cando
Antía López Cando
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, galisiešu Native in galisiešu
translator, translation, spanish, english, french, galician, software, IT, localization, technology, ...
Ainhoa Sanz Anguera
Ainhoa Sanz Anguera
Native in spāņu (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu, basku (Variant: Batua) Native in basku
marketing, legal, fashion, retail, cosmetics, travel, tourism, finance, fintech, technology, ...
Pablo Hernando
Pablo Hernando
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, angļu Native in angļu
Spanish, French, English, Medical, Legal, Business, Sports, Translation, Interpretation, Editing, ...
Czech, English, French, translation, interpreting, localization, proofreading, editing, business, marketing, ...
Carolina Martin
Carolina Martin
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Sworn translator, tourism, real agency, Spanish proofreader
Paola Luppino
Paola Luppino
Native in spāņu (Variant: Latin American) Native in spāņu
English, Swedish, Subtitling, Human Rights, Education, Music, Subtitle Workshop, Subtitle Edit.
Belen Cobian
Belen Cobian
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
English, Spanish, Sworn translator, Financial and Legal documents
Inés Belaustegui
Inés Belaustegui
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Concisión, claridad, coherencia, concise, clear, consistent. Translation & Interpreting fields: Banking software, Patents, Nuclear Energy Industry, Olive Oil industry, Forestry, ...
Hugo Contreras Riquelme
Hugo Contreras Riquelme
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Kino, filmas, TV, teātris, Vispārīgi / sarunvaloda / apsveikumi / vēstules, Spēles / video spēles / azartspēles / kazino
Sarai Molina
Sarai Molina
Native in spāņu (Variants: Latin American, Canarian, Mexican, Chilean, US, Standard-Spain, Colombian, Argentine) Native in spāņu
Spanish native, español nativo, español, spanish, english, inglés, tourism, turimo, cometics, cosmética, ...
Annia Acosta Babores
Annia Acosta Babores
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
subtitling, localization, accessibility, dubbing, audiodescription, content writing, transcription, spanish, catalan, subtitulación, ...
Sofía Meléndez
Sofía Meléndez
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Cita nozare
Ingrid Ponce
Ingrid Ponce
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Spanish, English, translation, transcreation, proofreading, editing, product listing, retail, marketing, fashion, ...
Adriana Rupple
Adriana Rupple
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Spanish, interpreter, interpreting, consecutive, simultaneous, medical, healthcare, legal, behavioral, mental health, ...
Marcelo Bornscheuer
Marcelo Bornscheuer
Native in spāņu (Variants: Chilean, Latin American) Native in spāņu
english to spanish, inglés a español, edición, edition, proofreading, web pages, household appliances, electrodomésticos, manual de usuario, user manual, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.