Interpreters » angļu - spāņu » Other » Mājlopi = lopkopība

The angļu - spāņu translators listed below specialize in the field of Mājlopi = lopkopība. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

107 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Sarah Leonard
Sarah Leonard
Native in angļu (Variants: British, US) Native in angļu
Spanish, Spain, Castilian Spanish Latin American Spanish, medical, pharmaceutical, dermatology, beauty, cosmetics, dermocosmetics, dermatology, ...
Eduardo Calderon
Eduardo Calderon
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, angļu (Variant: US) Native in angļu
Spanish/English, English/Spanish, Spanish, English, translation, Interpretation, Localization, services, Language services, Bilingual translation, ...
Sebastian Burch (MSc)
Sebastian Burch (MSc)
Native in angļu (Variant: British) Native in angļu, spāņu Native in spāņu
spanish, english, science, medical, technology, ecology, psychology, localization
Fernando Castro
Fernando Castro
Native in spāņu (Variants: Standard-Spain, Latin American) Native in spāņu
Translator, transcriber, proofreader, subtitler, law, translation, proofreading, subtitling, teaching, English, ...
Eduardo Ferrer
Eduardo Ferrer
Native in katalāņu (Variant: Western) Native in katalāņu, spāņu (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
Spanish, catalan, localization, translator, translation, Valencia, videogames, music, subtitling, English, ...
Elizabeth Chivers
Elizabeth Chivers
Native in angļu Native in angļu
Mājlopi = lopkopība, Energoresursi / elektrības ražošana, Lauksaimniecība
Jesús Melcón Vega
Jesús Melcón Vega
Native in spāņu (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
Traducción médica, interpretación simultánea, interpretación de enlace, traductor médico al español, traductor médico en España, traductor para comercio electrónico, english, medical translation, simultaneous interpreting, liaison interpreting, ...
Fernando Davin Perez
Fernando Davin Perez
Native in spāņu (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu, angļu (Variant: UK) Native in angļu
Traductor, intérprete, translator, interpreter, traducir, interpretar, interpretación, traducción, interpreting, translating, ...
Flore Pouquet
Flore Pouquet
Native in franču Native in franču
Mērniecība, Mediji / plašsaziņas līdzekļi, Mājlopi = lopkopība, Māksla, daiļamatniecība, gleznošana, ...
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, urdu Native in urdu
traductor de urdu, urdu traductor, Español-urdu, interprete urdu, español-urdu interprete, interprete de urdu, traductor profesional de urdu, español urdu, urdu español, Urdu, ...
Imane Azzakhnini Aarkoub
Imane Azzakhnini Aarkoub
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, franču Native in franču
spanish, espagnole, French, français, technical, technique, sous-titrage, subtitling, business, commercial, ...
Romina Muñoz
Romina Muñoz
Native in spāņu (Variants: Uruguayan, Argentine, Latin American) Native in spāņu
Traductora, profesora y licenciada argentina con amplia formación universitaria en español, francés e inglés. Experiencia en traducción periodística, ciencias sociales, técnico-científica, audiovisual y literaria.
Ramon Armora
Ramon Armora
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, angļu Native in angļu
translator, translation, interpreter, interpretation, spanish, english
Native in portugāļu (Variant: Brazilian) Native in portugāļu, arābu (Variants: Syrian, Lebanese) Native in arābu
portuguese, medical, business, marketing, computers, technology, software, localization
Aleksandra Wójcik
Aleksandra Wójcik
Native in poļu Native in poļu, spāņu Native in spāņu
traductor polaco, traductor de polaco, traductor polaco español, traductor español polaco, traductor espanol polaco, traductor polaco espanol, traducciones de polaco, traducciones polaco, traducción polaco, traducción polaco españa, ...
Daniel Waterman
Daniel Waterman
Native in angļu (Variants: US, Irish, Canadian, Australian, US South, British, UK, South African) Native in angļu, spāņu Native in spāņu
Materiāli (plastmasa, keramika u.tml.), Rūpniecība, Transports / transportēšana / kravu pārvadājumi, Tekstilizstrādājumi / apģērbi / mode, ...
Sandra Flórez
Sandra Flórez
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Mājlopi = lopkopība, Internets, e-komercija, Ģeoloģija, Inženierzinātne: rūpniecība, ...
Elisabet Lozano Pina
Elisabet Lozano Pina
Native in spāņu (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
transcreation, translation, creative translation, spanish translation, spain, sworn translator, traductor jurado, transcreacion, traduccion creativa, traductor de valenciano, ...
Guido Castañeda
Guido Castañeda
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
medicine, pharmacology, biology, pharmaceutical, drugs, veterinary, clinical trials, clinical protocols, informed consent form, medical interpretation, ...
Bill Greendyk
Bill Greendyk
Native in angļu Native in angļu
religion, children's books, religion, religions, doctrine, children's literature, legal, financial, contracts, Christianity, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.