The teacher should get a person the students identify with and discuss a topic pre-selected/set related to the topic of the lesson to be taught.
The teacher should consider changing activities, which is something that motivates students to participate in the class.
The learning process involves the following:
STUDENT -------- TEACHER, and also the NEEDS AND EXPECTANCIES from both of sides.
The warm-up activities are used to lead students to the theme of the class and also to get to know the students better.
It is important to preparing meaningful activities in order to bring students into the spirit and/or the mood of the class.
The teachers should also get sentences that are of their interest, the teacher should always keep in mind that the students that are interested will guide the class to reach their expectancies.
The teachers should try to discover the students’ real needs to adjust the planning to each different class, so that the motivation is placed in each and every class and not imposed to the students.
The teacher can lead the class to a great success if he/she can get to know the students better, and if he/she gives the students the chance to get to know each other better as well permit the students to point out clearly their interests and points of view.
It is important to respect, taking under consideration each one’s ways/pace of learning; and also the kinds of intelligences.
Students like surprises so different activities might bring to unusual teaching situations. Teachers shouldn’t use the same activities all the time, they should vary as much as possible this way the students will always have an expectancy of what it is next. Once the students are challenged they will participate more in the class and consequently the results will appear more and they will retain more of what is being taught.
WARM-UP ACTIVITIES (from 3 to 4 minutes)
These activities can be anything and or everything that will bring students into the theme of the class. Teacher can give a song, a game or simply a discussion that will bring the students to think about the topic and after that the teacher will have the chance of introducing the vocabulary that was planned.
After this step the teacher can get into the class itself by giving different activities and they can be games or listening, reading or any other activity that might keep the students into the learning process.
Teacher can prepare some sort of enigma to the students in which they will have to guess a secrete code or a spy letter or a story. This way the students will pay attention and they will have to be very attentive working with logical thoughts and establish relations.
Teachers should be able to attract the students as he/she gets to know them better. Everything that it is done to motivate the students to read and get in contact with daily expressions is good to integrate teacher and students, and it is also good as a way to motivate the students to participate.
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