Freelance translators » vācu - angļu » Tieslietas/patenti » Elektronika / elektromašīnbūve » Page 3

Below is a list of vācu - angļu freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tieslietas/patenti: Elektronika / elektromašīnbūve field. Lai redzētu vairāk meklēšanas lauku, izmantojiet paplašinātās meklēšanas funkciju, noklikšķinot uz saites labajā pusē.

401 rezultāti (maksājoši biedri)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Hans-Reiner Dr. Beilich
Hans-Reiner Dr. Beilich
Native in vācu (Variant: Germany) Native in vācu
Medicine, medical equipment, pharmacology, biochemistry, genetics, patents, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, sciences, materials testing, ...
Christin Gaebel
Christin Gaebel
Native in vācu Native in vācu
English to German technical patent freelance translator based in Dresden Germany, translations in the Automobile sector from English to German, translations of electric self-driving cars, translations of autonomous vehicle patents, engineering, IT, computer hardware, translations of various machinery, medical instruments, marketing translations from English to German, ...
Carolina Bruil
Carolina Bruil
Native in angļu Native in angļu, holandiešu (Variants: Netherlands, Aruba, Flemish) Native in holandiešu
Dutch translation, German translation, English translation, French translation, Italian translation, finance translation, law, engineering, accountability translation, pharmacology translation, ...
Anna Garcia
Anna Garcia
Native in angļu Native in angļu, spāņu Native in spāņu
Anja Rosenbusch
Anja Rosenbusch
Native in angļu Native in angļu, vācu Native in vācu
Technical translations, Semiconductor, High-tech, Mathematics, Physics, Automotive, Manufacturing, Technical specifications, Marketing, Business development, ...
Native in angļu Native in angļu
Catherina Groeneveld
Catherina Groeneveld
Native in angļu Native in angļu
education, breastfeeding, academic papers, business proposals
Native in angļu (Variant: US) Native in angļu
patent, intellectual property, mechanical, inventions, technology, medical, electrical, electronic,
Ronald Matthyssen
Ronald Matthyssen
Native in holandiešu Native in holandiešu
english, german, dutch, technisch, technical, social science, website, marketing, agriculture, landbouw, ...
Eilzabeth Taryn Toro
Eilzabeth Taryn Toro
Native in angļu Native in angļu
science, technical, pharmaceuticals, medical, medical devices, eu pharmaceutical and device regulation, pharmaceuticals package inserts, law, genetics, translation of news articles and broadcast texts, ...
Ken McKerrow
Ken McKerrow
Native in angļu Native in angļu
books, buecher, buch, kunst, kunstgeschichte, art history, art, history, geschichte, photography, ...
Native in angļu (Variant: US) Native in angļu
electrical, electronics, software, computer, USA, automotive, mechanical, technical
Stephanos Choi
Stephanos Choi
Native in korejiešu Native in korejiešu
Telecommunication, Electronics, Electrics, Machinery, Construction, Software, Computer, Technology, Website, Localization, ...
Adi Gherghel
Adi Gherghel
Native in rumāņu Native in rumāņu
Literature, Linguistics, Arts, Journalistic, Movie, Theatre, Geography, Tourism, History, Politics, ...
Teresa Schaeffer
Teresa Schaeffer
Native in vācu Native in vācu
IT, SAP, software, hardware, electronics, technical, marketing, websites, insurance, contracts, ...
Ana Krämer
Ana Krämer
Native in vācu (Variants: Swiss, Austrian, Germany) Native in vācu, spāņu (Variants: Argentine, Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
experienced medical, pharmaceutical, technical, scientific, mathematics, IT, and electronic and mechanical engineering
Karl A. Wilson
Karl A. Wilson
Native in franču Native in franču, angļu Native in angļu
business, wine, diplomacy, government, commerce, trade, confidential, literature, food, tourism, ...
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Native in angļu (Variant: British) Native in angļu, spāņu (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
Law, contract, deed, legal, affidavit, pleadings, medical, health, genetics, domestic violence, ...
Christopher Harrison
Christopher Harrison
Native in angļu (Variants: US, UK) Native in angļu
translation, French, English, Russian, US, UK, proofreading, editing, voiceover, voice over, ...
Renée Annabel W.
Renée Annabel W.
Native in angļu (Variants: British, US) Native in angļu
French, German, Spanish, English, Technology, Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical, ...

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Tulkošana ir kas daudz vairāk par vārdu pārnešanu no vienas valodas otrā. Tulkiem un tulkotājiem ir jābūt dziļai izpratnei par jebkura tulkotā teksta tēmu, kā arī par kultūru, kas saistīta ar avota un mērķa valodu. portālā ir reģistrējušies vairāk nekā 300 000 tulki un tulkotāji. Tādējādi ir pasaulē lielākā valodu speciālistu tiešsaistes datu bāze. Lai atrastu tulku vai tulkotāju, lūdzu, izvēlieties valodu pāri vai izmēģiniet 1,536,800tulku un tulkotāju izvērsto meklēšanu. Varat arī publicēt aicinājumu iesniegt cenu piedāvājumus noteiktam tulkošanas projektam, publicējot tulkošanas darba piedāvājumu.