Interpreters » angļu - spāņu » Art/Literary » IT (informācijas tehnoloģija)

The angļu - spāņu translators listed below specialize in the field of IT (informācijas tehnoloģija). For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

483 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Maria Rosich Andreu
Maria Rosich Andreu
Native in katalāņu Native in katalāņu, spāņu (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
medical report, expert report, medisch expertise, expert opinion, peritaje, medicine, travel, Spain, Amsterdam, proofreader, ...
Ana Maria Bustos K.
Ana Maria Bustos K.
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
economics, finanzas, business, legal, comercial, computación, medical, nutrition, contratos, psicología, ...
Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Spanish translator, English to Spanish translator, Italian to Spanish translator, Stairlift Translation, Mobility equipment translation, Business translation, Translations for Business, Commercial Translations, Translations for export, Translator for Export, ...
O María Elena Guerrero
O María Elena Guerrero
Native in spāņu (Variants: Mexican, Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
Expertise topics:business, accounting, finance, marketing, insurance, banking, economics, sales, petroleum, sports, ...
Carlos Abelheira
Carlos Abelheira
Native in portugāļu (Variant: Brazilian) Native in portugāļu
english, portuguese, computers, it, technology, oil, gas, localization, medical, military, ...
Native in hindi Native in hindi, angļu Native in angļu
translation, transcription, voice over, open end responses, editing, proofreading, interpretation, e-learning, animation, video editing, ...
Dan khatri
Dan khatri
Native in angļu (Variants: UK, Canadian, British, US) Native in angļu
English, Russian, Tajik, Uzbek, Danish. Trados 2011, Tradso 2022, Translation, Subtitling, Transcription
Annick Vandenbroucke
Annick Vandenbroucke
Native in franču Native in franču, spāņu Native in spāņu
Inženierzinātne (vispārīgi), IT (informācijas tehnoloģija)
Lucia Ramos
Lucia Ramos
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, katalāņu Native in katalāņu
Datori: programmatūra, IT (informācijas tehnoloģija), Telekomunikācijas (operatori), Datori (vispārīgi), ...
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, angļu Native in angļu
medicine, medicina, traducción de contratos, legal, IT, human resources, biochemistry, bioquímica, medical devices, abstract, ...
Elena Rozas
Elena Rozas
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
English, French, translator, editor, proofreader, localization
Rafael Porlan
Rafael Porlan
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
cognitive debriefing, medicine, drugs, pharmacy, history, localisation, IT, hardware, psychology, education, ...
Eugenia Garcia Olea
Eugenia Garcia Olea
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
telecommunications, it, business, quality, software localization, telecom, government, legal, testing, qa, ...
Maria Paz Olivares Seminario
Maria Paz Olivares Seminario
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
english, spanish, translator, interpreter, trados, wordfast, advertising, marketing, public relations, literature, ...
Alan Otero
Alan Otero
Native in spāņu (Variants: Latin American, Argentine) Native in spāņu
english, spanish, software, localization, technology, computers, computer, media, multimedia, cinema, ...
Constanza Pallini
Constanza Pallini
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Automatizācija un robottehnika, Automobiļi / vieglās un kravas automašīnas, IT (informācijas tehnoloģija), Internets, e-komercija, ...
Native in spāņu (Variants: Mexican, Chilean, Latin American, Standard-Spain, Argentine) Native in spāņu
Internets, e-komercija, IT (informācijas tehnoloģija)
Jesús Enguid
Jesús Enguid
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Web site translation, localization, Spanish Translator & Engineer, Spanish technical translator, Engineering Translation, Spain, english to spanish, english-spanish, freelance, automotive industry, ...
Joaquim Siles-Borràs
Joaquim Siles-Borràs
Native in katalāņu Native in katalāņu, spāņu Native in spāņu
Translation, proofreading, interpreting, IT, websites, software strings, technical, machinery, tools, manufacturing, ...
Jaime Oriard
Jaime Oriard
Native in spāņu (Variants: US, Mexican) Native in spāņu
technical translations, IT translations, software translations, hardware translations, marketing translations, Mexican Spanish, US Spanish, Latinamerican Spanish, Mexican translator, English to Spanish translator, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.