The angļu - japāņu translators listed below specialize in the field of Rūpniecība. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

84 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Automobiļi / vieglās un kravas automašīnas, Datori: sistēmas, tīkli, Būvniecība / civilā celtniecība, Inženierzinātne (vispārīgi), ...
Native in japāņu (Variants: Standard-Japan, Kansai) Native in japāņu
interpreter, translator, teaching/learning languages, Japanese, English, Portuguese, sports, volleyball, soccer, football, ...
Kyoko Matsumoto
Kyoko Matsumoto
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
English-Japanese translation, subtitle translation, transcreation, IT, marketing, e-learning, Web localization, sales, compliance, HR, ...
Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang
Native in ķīniešu Native in ķīniešu
Iespieddarbi un izdevniecība, Mērniecība, Telekomunikācijas (operatori), Datori (vispārīgi), ...
Kiyotaka Moriuchi
Kiyotaka Moriuchi
Native in korejiešu (Variants: South Korea, Gyeongsang) Native in korejiešu, japāņu Native in japāņu
Japanese, Korean, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Latin American Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American Portuguese, ...
Lisle Wilkerson
Lisle Wilkerson
Native in angļu Native in angļu, japāņu Native in japāņu
Mediji / plašsaziņas līdzekļi, Telekomunikācijas (operatori), Māksla, daiļamatniecība, gleznošana, Automobiļi / vieglās un kravas automašīnas, ...
Toshiko Yanagihara
Toshiko Yanagihara
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Datori (vispārīgi), Datori: sistēmas, tīkli, Datori: programmatūra, IT (informācijas tehnoloģija), ...
Midori Goto
Midori Goto
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Tieslietas (vispārīgi), Rūpniecība, Automobiļi / vieglās un kravas automašīnas, Automatizācija un robottehnika, ...
Native in spāņu (Variants: Mexican, Latin American) Native in spāņu
Spanish, Japanese, translator, translation, interpreter, interpretation, automotive, experience, technical, quality, ...
Kaori Krady
Kaori Krady
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu, angļu Native in angļu
Japanese, English, electronics, technology, Li-Ion batteries, electric cars, automotive, marketing, social media, AI training, ...
Ikuyo Murakami
Ikuyo Murakami
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
English to Japanese interpreter, English to Japanese translator, IT, medical translator, medical interpreter, fashion, art, culture, training interpreter, seminar interpreter, ...
Miho Ohashi
Miho Ohashi
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
English, Japanese, Spanish, business, marketing, contracts, law, international organization, government, policy, ...
Keita Beni
Keita Beni
Native in japāņu (Variants: Kansai, Standard-Japan) Native in japāņu
Japanese, English
Naoki Watanabe
Naoki Watanabe
Native in angļu Native in angļu, japāņu Native in japāņu
Japanese, science, technology, localization, English, technical, die cast, IT, medical, Japan, ...
Translators GLP
Translators GLP
Native in indonēziešu (Variants: Standard-Indonesia, Javanese, Ngoko) Native in indonēziešu, angļu (Variants: US, Singaporean, Australian, UK) Native in angļu
Machine, Automotive, technology, manufacturing, business, travel, localization, training, marketing, research, ...
Phil Sakamoto
Phil Sakamoto
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Medicīna: kardioloģija, Tieslietas (vispārīgi), Materiāli (plastmasa, keramika u.tml.), Mājlopi = lopkopība, ...
Kyoko Mizutani
Kyoko Mizutani
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
japanese, technical, technology, business, localisation, commercial
David Higbee-Teves
David Higbee-Teves
Native in angļu Native in angļu, spāņu Native in spāņu
Japanese interpreter, Japanese into English, translator, interpreter, interpretación, interpretation, traducciones certificadas, traducción certificada, traducción al inglés, traducción al español, ...
Milind Joshi
Milind Joshi
Native in angļu Native in angļu, marathu Native in marathu
Japanese to English Translation, Engineering, Chemical, Automobile, Petrochemical, Drawings, E-coat plant installation and commissioning, Paint shop installation and painting trial, Analysis reports, component development and testing, ...
Madoka Sotoma
Madoka Sotoma
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
giapponese, italiano, manufacturing, Japanese, automobile, motorcycle, madrelingua, native, brochure, vino, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.