Interpreters » angļu - japāņu » Tech/Engineering » Tieslietas (vispārīgi)

The angļu - japāņu translators listed below specialize in the field of Tieslietas (vispārīgi). For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

77 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Noriko Watanabe
Noriko Watanabe
Native in japāņu (Variants: Kansai, Standard-Japan) , franču Native in franču, vācu Native in vācu, angļu (Variants: US, Canadian, Irish, Scottish, UK, Wales / Welsh, British, Indian, New Zealand, South African, US South, Australian, French, Jamaican, Singaporean) Native in angļu
Japanese [JA], Korean [KO], Chinese [ZH], English [EN], French [FR], German [DE], Italian [IT], Dutch [NL], Spanish [ES], Swedish [SV], ...
Ayako Doi
Ayako Doi
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu, angļu Native in angļu
interpreter, legal, patent, deposition, business, financial, government, communication, technical, engineering, ...
Noboru OKADA
Noboru OKADA
Native in japāņu (Variant: Hiroshima) Native in japāņu
Interpreter & translator for the fields of automobile, civil engineering, electrics, electronics, mechanics etc. for the pair of languages:french - japanese - english.
Mariko Pfister
Mariko Pfister
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
japanese, english, german, translation, localization, copywriting
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Fashion, Training, Marketing, Tourism, Accommodation, HR, Management, Trademark, Contract, Textile and Fashion, ...
Sea Translation
Sea Translation
Native in ķīniešu (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin, Traditional, Cantonese, Taiwanese) Native in ķīniešu, indonēziešu Native in indonēziešu, angļu Native in angļu
thai, tai, vietnamese, indonesian, malay, tagalog, burmese, cambodian, lao, chinese/mandarin, ...
Ken Katou
Ken Katou
Native in birmiešu Native in birmiešu, japāņu Native in japāņu, arābu Native in arābu
Japanese, English, Thai, Burmese, Karen, Myanmar, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Khumer, ...
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
医学論文、英訳、航空機、燃料電池 翻訳、  medical translation, aviation related translation, tourism, science, 科学記事 翻訳、会議通訳、有害事象
David Patrick
David Patrick
Native in angļu Native in angļu
Japanese, English, 日本語, 英語, 医学, medical, 法律, legal, 金融, finance, ...
Elise Hendrick
Elise Hendrick
Native in angļu Native in angļu, vācu Native in vācu, spāņu (Variants: Latin American, Chilean) Native in spāņu
legal, commercial, technical, Recht, Medizin, Technik, Wirtschaft, Handel, medicine, medical, ...
Emma Ford
Emma Ford
Native in angļu Native in angļu, japāņu Native in japāņu
Inženierzinātne (vispārīgi), Matemātika un statistika, Medicīna: farmaceitiskie produkti, Medicīna (vispārīgi), ...
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
legal, accounting, finance, business, tax, Trados, Memsource, MemoQ, Japanese native
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Iespieddarbi un izdevniecība, Matemātika un statistika, Safety, Medicīna (vispārīgi), ...
Sahar Moussly
Sahar Moussly
Native in arābu Native in arābu, angļu Native in angļu
Fast accurate and committed to deadlines.
Kanako Fujiwara
Kanako Fujiwara
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Expertise and knowledge in target languages like no other. Correct, polished yet natural expressions. Punctual and highly professional.
知佳 神谷
知佳 神谷
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
automotive, business, news, human resources, consulting, contract, machine, manufacturing
Nobutaka Nakagawa (X)
Nobutaka Nakagawa (X)
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
Japanese, English, translation, translator, interpretation, interpreter, localization, technology, contracts, localization, ...
Chiaki Pidruchney
Chiaki Pidruchney
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
translation, interpretation, translator, interpretator, Japanese translator, Japanese interpreter, Japanese translation, Japanese to English translation, English to Japanese translation, proofreading for Japanese translations, ...
Sophie Ao
Sophie Ao
Native in angļu (Variant: US) Native in angļu, ķīniešu (Variants: Traditional, Simplified, Taiwanese, Mandarin, Shanghainese) Native in ķīniešu
Chinese translation, Chinese translator, English to Chinese translation, English to Chinese translator, native speaker, mandarin Chinese, simplified Chinese, Japanese to English translation, Korean to English translation, Japanese translator, ...
Mika Shikase
Mika Shikase
Native in japāņu Native in japāņu
japanese, english, law, contract, business, finance, medical, pharmaceutical

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angļu - japāņu interpreters specializing in:

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.