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Blue Board darbību var izskaidrot šādi. Pirmkārt, ikviens lietotājs var novērtēt savu gatavību turpmāk sadarboties (GTS) ar konkrēto darba devēju (t.i., klientu vai tulkošanas uzņēmumu/aģentūru), ievadot skaitli no 1 līdz 5. Lietotājs var skaitlim pievienot arī īsu, paskaidrojošu komentāru. Darba devējs savukārt var publicēt savu atbildi.
Blue Board ir pilnīga, ērti lietojama datu bāze, kas satur darba devēju koordinātes, pakalpojumu sniedzēju publicētos darba devēju vērtējumus un atbildes uz šiem vērtējumiem.
1.2 - Blue Board terminu vārdnīca...
Darba devējs: visaptverošs jēdziens, kas ietver aģentūras, kompānijas, klientus un visas pārējās organizācijas vai personas, kuras pērk tulkošanas pakalpojumus. Blue Board ir darba devēju datu bāze, kurai pievienoti pakalpojumu sniedzēju vērtējumi.
Vērtējums: pakalpojumu sniedzējs publicē Blue Board “vērtējumu”, izsakot savu gatavību turpmāk sadarboties ar noteiktu darba devēju. (Jāizvairās no tādiem maldinošiem jēdzieniem kā “reitings”, "atsauksme" u.c.)
GTS: gatavība turpmākai sadarbībai (ar noteiktu darba devēju). Attiecas uz vērtējuma skaitlisko daļu.
Komentārs: vērtējums sastāv no GTS (obligātā daļa) un komentāra (pēc vēlēšanās). Komentāriem ir jāizskaidro/jāpamato GTS vērtējums; tajos nav atļauts ietvert vispārējus apgalvojumus par darba devēju. (Piemērs: komentārs "Viņi ir rupji" nav atļauts. Taču komentārs "Viņi pret mani izturējās rupji" ir pieļaujams, jo tas izskaidro, kāpēc pakalpojumu sniedzējs var nevēlēties turpmāk sadarboties ar darba devēju.)
Atbilde: pēc tam, kad par darba devēju ir ievadīts vērtējums, šim darba devējam ir iespēja ievietot "atbildi" vienas teksta rindiņas apjomā..
Darba devēju atbildēs tāpat kā pakalpojumu sniedzēju komentāros ir jāapraksta tikai divpusējās sadarbības pieredze. Personīgas replikas komentāros vai atbildēs nav pieļaujamas, un portāla personāls tās apslēps pēc pirmā pieprasījuma.
Publicētājs: pakalpojumu sniedzējs vai darba devējs, kas publicē vērtējumu vai atbildi.
Vidējais vērtējumu līmenis: apkopojošs rādītājs, kas atspoguļo vidējo GTS, ko par vienu darba devēju izteikuši pakalpojumu sniedzēji.
Ieraksts: viena darba devēja vērtējumu/GTS lapa. Ieraksti ir pieejami, izmantojot šāda formāta URL adresi:
1.3 - Kādi noteikumi jāievēro, ievadot vērtējumu attiecībā uz Jūsu gatavību turpināt sadarbību ar darba devēju?
Jūs drīkstat ievietot vērtējumus tikai par tiem pasūtītājiem, kuru pasūtīto darbu esat veicis, nodevis to noteiktajā termiņā un nesaņēmāt nekādas pretenzijas par kvalitāti. Nav atļauts ievietot vērtējumus, balstoties tikai uz sarunām, pārbaudes tulkojumiem vai cita veida iepriekšējas saskarsmes.
Ja esat sadarbojies ar pasūtītāju kādā projektā, taču nenodevāt darbu laikā vai kā citādi neizpildījāt savus pienākumus, Jums nav tiesību vērtēt šo pasūtītāju. Blue Board datu bāzi ir aizliegts izmantot, lai izteiktu draudus darba devējiem.
Darba devēju (vai biedru, kuri pārstāv kādu darba devēju) "pašvērtējumi" nav atļauti.
3.1 - Why is a comment simply saying "contact me privately for further details" not allowed?
This comment does not provide any helpful information to other translators and undermines the point of the Blue Board. Translators are busy, if they went to a Blue Board record and every comment merely said "Contact me privately for further details." there would be no point in having the comment section at all.
Site members can contact the translator who gave an entry for more details by clicking the "Email translator" icon on the entry itself.
1.4 - Cik ticama ir Blue Board publicētā informācija?
Šeit ievietotie vērtējumi netiek nekādā veidā pārbaudīti, un tie atspoguļo tikai publicētāju viedokli. Skatot vērtējumus, jāņem vērā: autoru aktivitātes līmenis, identitātes apliecinājuma statuss, dalības veids, reģistrācijas numuri portālā un citas vērtējuma autoru raksturojošas pazīmes.
Nepaļaujieties vienīgi uz publicētajiem vērtējumiem. Veidojiet savu viedokli par darba devējiem, balstoties uz sadarbības pieredzi vai personiskām pārrunām ar darba devējiem.
1.5 - Where can I manage LWA feedback?
You can see information on LWA entries received, requested and given, and request new LWA entries from service providers on the LWA Feedback management page.
You can also view LWA statistics of outsourcers ranked by average LWA and the number of entries received, compiled from information on the Blue Board considering entries over the last 12 months and from all time.
1.6 - What is the termination policy?
The staff of, the company providing the technology for this site, has established a policy for the termination of offending outsourcers to enhance the site is used as a place for language companies and language service providers to meet and engage in good-faith transactions.
1.7 - What does the message This outsourcer has been banned from posting jobs at mean?
As per termination policy, if a total of two non-payment complaints regarding a single outsourcer have been received from unrelated sources, the issue will be brought to staff for review. At its sole discretion, staff may then choose to suspend or revoke the outsourcer's right to use This note refers to that suspension.
1.8 - What does the " ... " mean in the comment area for some LWA entries on the Blue Board?
A " ... " in the comment section indicates that no comment has been entered by the poster of the entry. Note that if this is the case you will only see " ... " in the comment section, as opposed to, for example, "Great terms, professional ... would work with them again", which would have been entered by the service provider.
2.1 - Kā var iepazīties ar citu biedru vērtējumiem par viņu gatavību turpmāk sadarboties ar konkrēto pasūtītāju?
"Blue Board" ir viena no zīmnēm galvenās izvēlnes sadaļā "Darba piedāvājumi". Blue Board datu bāzei var piekļūt arī tieši, uzrakstot šo URL adresi:
2.2 - Es neesmu (maksājošs) biedrs... Vai tādā gadījumā es varu apskatīt Blue Board ierakstus?
Jā. Piesakieties portālā un uzklikšķiniet uz tā darba devēja vārda, kuru vēlaties apskatīt. Jūs saņemsiet piedāvājumu samaksāt ar BrowniZ punktiem vai naudu.
2.3 - Vai es drīkstu publicēt vērtējumus Blue Board datu bāzē, ja neesmu (maksājošs) biedrs?
2.4 - How can I make an LWA entry for a Blue Board outsourcer?
To make an LWA entry for Blue Board outsourcer, first locate the outsourcer's Blue Board record here. Once you have located and accessed the outsourcer's Blue Board record, click on “Make an entry” to the right of the Blue Board record page. Clicking on this option will open a page where you will be able to compose your LWA entry. Please bear in mind that Blue Board entries require vetting and that they will not appear immediately. This is usually done within 12 hours of the entry being posted.
2.5 - How to open a non-payment report for certain outsourcer?
During the submission of your LWA entry as per FAQ, after sending the LWA entry for vetting, in case if the rating of the LWA entry is very low (1 or 2) you will be given the option to report any non-payment issue involved with the outsourcer and you will see a message "You entered a low LWA for this outsourcer. If you have not received payment, report a non-payment for this outsourcer". Please press on the button “report a non-payment for this outsourcer”. You will be redirected to another page where the possibility to enter data regarding your non-payment issue will be provided. After filling in all the necessary information please press on “Preview non-payment report” button, check carefully your non-payment report again and press on “Submit non-payment report” button to open a non-payment issue for your LWA entry.
If the LWA entry is already submitted and approved by Staff, however, you have not opened a non-payment report please contact site Staff , to request to open a non-payment report for your LWA entry. Please make sure that your non-payment report is in line with Blue Board rules .
The non-payment report is visible only to Staff and to the outsourcer. Service providers who report non-payment issues are required to update their LWA entries on time to make it clear if the payment has been made. If it is not possible to edit the LWA entry (whether because the reply has been already submitted by the outsourcer and as per Blue Board rule #3 , the LWA entry is not editable, or the LWA entry is too old) service providers should let site staff know if and when the non-payment issue is resolved (by submitting a support request, to inform they have been paid in full).
Note: In the case of outsourcers, if they have resolved an open non-payment issue, they are invited to contact site staff , and ask them to confirm this with the service provider. Only when the service provider confirms payment has been received in full, the LWA entry will be removed from the Blue Board record, allowing the service provider to make a new LWA entry reflecting the current situation. Note that this new entry may contain the same 1-5 rating as the entry that contained the non-payment report.
5.1 - I have made a non-payment report for an outsourcer and it hasn't appeared yet.
First, please note that all Blue Board entries require vetting by site staff before they are made public (see this FAQ).
As of April 2016, in the case of non-payment reports for Business members of, please note that outsourcers are notified of these reports before they are made visible in order to give the outsourcer the opportunity to confirm if the entry is in line with the conditions for making non-payment reports as described in this FAQ. You should have received an email from site staff notifying you of this policy upon making your entry. Your non-payment report will be made visible shortly if it is line with the rules for making Blue Board entries.
2.6 - Es vēlētos lūgt citus lietotājus ievadīt vērtējumu par konkrētu darba devēju. Kā to izdarīt?
Ja darba devējs jau ir iekļauts Blue Board datu bāzē, tad šī darba devēja ieraksta lappusē noklikšķiniet "Pieprasīt vērtējumus". Tad sākumlapā parādīsies aicinājums ievadīt vērtējumus par šo darba devēju. Bez tam visiem, kas pasūtījuši šādus pieprasījumus, tiks nosūtīts e-pasta paziņojums.
Ja Jūs interesējošais darba devējs vēl nav iekļauts Blue Board datu bāzē, tad pēc viņa pievienošanās šādi paziņojumi tiks izsūtīti automātiski. Jūs varat pievienot darba devēju neatkarīgi no sava statusa . Ievērojiet, ka par katru darba devēju atļauts ievietot tikai vienu "vērtējumu pieprasījumu" mēnesī.
2.7 - I have made a call for entries for an outsourcer but I have changed my mind. Is it possible to undo it?
No. It is not possible to reverse the call for entries as the email to all those who have subscribed to receiving request for entries are automatically sent immediately after the call for entries is submitted.
2.8 - Can I be notified of new LWA entries submitted for a particular outsourcer?
Yes. To receive notifications for new LWA entries posted in a Blue Board record of any particular outsourcer, just click on "Track outsourcer" in the box to the right of their Blue Board record.
You can turn tracking off by clicking on "Stop tracking" in the same box to the right of the Blue Board record.
2.10 - Why I am getting email notifications about new LWA entries in Blue Board record and how to deactivate it?
During the submission of your LWA entry you have the possibility to subscribe to alerts when new entries are made for outsourcer by selecting the option “Receive alerts when new entries are made for this outsourcer?”.
Once this option is activated, you will receive email alerts regarding new LWA entries in the Blue Board record of the outsourcer you have submitted your LWA entry.
To stop tracking the outsourcer you need to press the link in the bottom of the notification email you have received: “Click here to stop receiving alerts for this outsourcer”.
2.11 - Kā es varu ievadīt vērtējumu par darba devēju, kurš nav iekļauts Blue Board sarakstā?
Ja vēlaties ievadīt vērtējumu par darba devēju, kurš vēl nav iekļauts Blue Board, Jūs varat pats pievienot viņa datus zīmnē „Pievienot darba devēju”. Sniedziet pēc iespējas pilnīgāku informāciju, lai izvairītos no pārpratumiem.
2.12 - I added an outsourcer to the Blue Board database and the record is not visible. Why?
Blue Board records, as Blue Board entries, require vetting by site staff or moderators and checking all contact information may take time, usually no more than 24 hours.
If the record you added has not appeared after a 24-hour period, please contact site staff via a support request.
2.13 - Vai es varu ievadīt vērtējumu par darba devēju, ja vienīgais mūsu sadarbības gadījums ir bijis pārbaudes tulkojums?
Iespējams, Jūs izdarījāt kādus secinājumus par darba devēju, balstoties uz pārbaudes tulkojumu, sarunām vai cita veida iepriekšēju saskarsmi. Tomēr, balstoties uz pieredzi, ir pieņemts lēmums, ka Blue Board datu bāze būs paredzēta, lai izteiktu gatavību *turpināt* sadarbību ar konkrētiem darba devējiem. Citiem vārdiem, sadarbībā ar darba devēju ir jābūt vismaz iesāktam "īstam" projektam, lai varētu ievadīt vērtējumu.
2.14 - Vai es drīkstu ievadīt vairāk nekā vienu vērtējumu par katru darba devēju?
Jā, par katru darba devēju drīkst ievadīt vienu vērtējumu gadā – ar nosacījumu, ka pirms papildu vērtējuma ievietošanas esat atkārtoti sadarbojies ar šo darba devēju. Nedrīkst ievietot vairākus vērtējumus, balstoties uz vienu sadarbības gadījumu.
2.15 - Where can I see a complete list of LWA feedback I provided?
You can see a list of the LWA / Blue Board entries you submitted for different outsourcers in the LWA feedback management page. Or else, check the "Blue Board entries made by this user" section of your profile.
2.16 - Esmu ievadījis vērtējumu, bet tas nav redzams.
Ja Jūs ievietojāt vērtējumu, bet tas nav redzams, vispirms sazinieties ar darba piedāvājumu moderatoriem. Pārbaudiet arī pareizrakstību. Dažreiz datu bāze nepieņem Blue Board vērtējumus tajos iekļauto rakstzīmju dēļ: dubulto pēdiņu lietošana komentārā nav atļauta. Iespējams, ka Jums nāksies aizstāt dubultās pēdiņas ar vienkāršajām pēdiņām, lai vērtējums kļūtu redzams.
2.17 - Kā var rediģēt savu Blue Board ievadīto vērtējumu?
Lai rediģētu savu vērtējumu, noklikšķiniet tā labajā pusē redzamo saiti „Rediģēt”). Tomēr to var darīt tikai tad, ja darba devējs vēl nav atbildējis uz Jūsu vērtējumu un ja vēl nav pagājis gads kopš vērtējuma ievadīšanas. Moderatoram būs jāapstiprina jebkuras izmaiņas.
Līdzko darba devējs ievieto atbildi, vērtējumu mainīt vairs nav iespējams.
2.18 - Kā var paslēpt savu BB ievadīto vērtējumu ?
Ja darba devējs vēl nav sniedzis atbildi uz Jūsu ievadīto vērtējumu, varat lūgt, lai to noņem. Jums būs jāsniedz pamatojums vērtējuma noņemšanai. Bez tam moderatoram ir jāapstiprina noņemšana.
Ja darba devējs ir ievietojis atbildi uz vērtējumu, tad gan darba devējam, gan pakalpojumu sniedzējam ir jāpiekrīt vērtējuma noņemšanai. Kad abas puses ir savstarpēji vienojušās, katrai pusei ir jānosūta tehniskās palīdzības pieprasījums, paziņojot, ka tās abas piekrīt BB vērtējuma noņemšanai. Pēc tam, kad tehniskās palīdzības personāls būs saņēmis šos divus iesniegumus, vērtējums tiks apslēpts.
Piezīme: ja izrādīsies, ka, publicējot vērtējumu vai atbildi no darba devēja vai pakalpojumu sniedzēja, pārkāpti BB noteikumi vai kādas likumdošanas normas, šo vērtējumu/atbildi portāla personāls, iespējams, apslēps/izdzēsīs.
2.19 - Where can I see Outsourcers with excellent Blue Board feedback?
The Blue Board statistics page shows the top Blue Board outsourcers, ranked by their average LWA feedback rating. Outsourcers with open non-payment issues or with an average LWA feedback below 4.50 are excluded.
Results are shown by both all time and last 12 months. Each set of results is divided in two, based on the number of entries received.
Within each table, outsourcers are ranked by their average LWA and then by amount of entries. If two outsourcers are tied on both numbers, the most recently created Blue Board page will be shown first.
2.20 - Where can I see outsourcers past contact information in Blue Board records? members can see past contact information for outsourcers by clicking on "view contact data history" at the bottom of the contact information section of the outsourcer's Blue Board record.
2.21 - Where can I see information on the jobs posted by a Blue Board outsourcer?
You can see a list of Classic and Connect jobs posted by any Blue Board outsourcer just by clicking on More info » in the "Past job postings" box below the Blue Board record information. Only members have access to the information on the jobs posted by an outsourcer.
Open jobs will show in yellow while jobs that have already been closed will be shown in light green.
2.22 - I submitted an LWA entry for an outsourcer and it is no longer visible. Why?
If you submitted an entry for an outsourcer that was visible for some time and that is no longer visible it is possible that your entry was contested by the outsourcer. Note that in cases in which an entry is contested, the entry is made invisible by staff until the issue has been clarified.
If you are sure your entry is in line with Blue Board rules, and it is being contested by the outsourcer, please submit a support request with all relevant evidence (email correspondence, PO, etc.).
Also note that entries may disappear from public view when a 'request for edit' has been made. If you requested your entry to be edited, it will remain hidden until moderators or staff re-approve such entry.
2.23 - Can an outsourcer leave feedback for me?
Outsourcers may rate their willingness to work again (WWA) with service providers.
3.1 - Kas jādara, lai iekļautu savu uzņēmumu Blue Board datu bāzē?
Darba devējus Blue Board datu bāzē iekļauj lietotāji.. To var darīt ikviens reģistrētais lietotājs. Ja jūs piedāvājat tulkošanas darbu, varat lūgt, lai pakalpojumu sniedzēji publicē vērtējumus par Jūsu uzņēmumu. (Lietotājiem, kas pieteikušies uz Blue Board paziņojumiem, tiks nosūtīts uzaicinājums novērtēt savu gatavību turpināt sadarbību ar Jūsu uzņēmumu).
3.2 - Kā var mainīt Blue Board datu bāzē reģistrēto mana uzņēmuma kontaktinformāciju?
Izmaiņas Blue Board parādītajā darba devēju kontaktinformācijā var izdarīt tikai portāla administratori un sadaļas „Darba piedāvājumi”un Blue Board moderatori. Lai pieprasītu datu korekciju, ievadiet Tehniskās palīdzības pieprasījumu vai sazinieties arDarba piedāvājumu koordinatoru
3.3 - How can I edit the information on my Blue Board record?
If the contact information for you or your company's Blue Board record has changed, you can have this edited by contacting site staff via support request. Be sure to provide the complete information you wish to update, along with the page url to your Blue Board record.
3.4 - Can I add information about my company to my Blue Board record?
Yes. Outsourcers with a high LWA average can post public notes to provide Blue Board record visitors with useful and/or important information regarding their business.
To add a note to your record, visit the Applications section and click on "Outsourcers Control Center" in the box to the left. This will lead you to the "Application management" form and will allow you to enter additional information about your agency/company that will be later displayed on your Blue Board record.
3.5 - Es vēlos izņemt no Blue Board noteiktu kontaktinformāciju. respektē Jūsu tiesības uz personīgās informācijas aizsardzību. Ja vēlaties, lai noteikta kontaktinformācija nebūtu pieejama vispārējai apskatei, iesniedziet tehniskās palīdzības pieprasījumu, paskaidrojot, kādu informāciju vēlaties izņemt un kāpēc. Mēs izskatīsim Jūsu iesniegumu.
Ņemiet vērā, ka noteikts kontaktinformācijas minimums ir nepieciešams, lai publicētu darba piedāvājumus, un šīs prasības paliks spēkā bez izņēmumiem. (Skatīt Jobs FAQ.)
3.6 - How can I completely hide the "past job postings" on the Blue Board record?
Please note that you do not need to hide your past job postings, because the details of the jobs are available for only 30 days and only to those meeting the criteria. Please note that non-members do not see your job postings when they see your Blue Board record. Complete access to the Blue Board record of outsourcers is a member-only feature and the details of past jobs that are older than 30 days are not shown.
3.7 - Can I remove my Blue Board record?
As Blue Board rules state, Blue Board records remain in place for at least six months following any form of outsourcing activity. Requests from outsourcers to have certain contact details removed from the Blue Board will be considered when specific reasons are given. However, in most cases, such requests will not be considered until at least six months have passed after the date of last known outsourcing activity. Requests for complete removal of a Blue Board record may also be considered, but will generally not be granted.
3.8 - How can I request an LWA entry from service provider who has been working with me?
First off all, please remember that only translators that are registered on can make LWA entries in your Blue Board record. Therefore before requesting an LWA entry from a service provider who has worked for you or your company, please first make sure that this service provider is registered on Otherwise s/he should create a profile on here .
To request an LWA entry, please go to your Blue Board record and:
1)click “Manage LWA feedback” from the menu on the right. You will be redirected to the Feedback management page.
2) Select Request Blue Board Entries (outsourcers only) from the menu on the left.
3) On the next step please start typing the username or the real name of the service provider you are looking for in the “Search” section and click on the name in the list which appears below the search box. If the data displayed in the box on the right corresponds to the desired service provider, click on "Add to list".
4) Make sure that the check box near the name of service provider is checked and click “Proceed to step 2 of 3”.
5) Check the message which will be sent to service provider. A template text to request the Blue Board entry can be personalized, so you may also enter your own text for this message. Once the text is ready, please press on “Proceed to step 3 of 3 (preview and send emails)”.
6) Check the message you are going to send and click the “Send” button or on “Back edit (message) button”, if you would like to edit the message you are going to send.
3.9 - Will I be notified of new LWA entries posted in my Blue Board record?
Yes. A notification will be sent to the email address specified as the contact email address in the Blue Board record every time an entry is posted.
In the same way, if a non-payment report is made together with an entry submitted, a notification informing about this complaint and the procedure to follow will also be sent to the email address associated with the Blue Board record.
3.10 - Kāds pakalpojumu sniedzējs ir publicējis komentāru par savu gatavību turpināt sadarbību ar manu uzņēmumu. Vai es varu ievietot atbildi?
Jā. Pēc vērtējuma ievadīšanas jums vajadzēja saņemt e-pasta paziņojumu. Ja jūs to neesat saņēmis vai nevarat atrast, bet vēlaties atbildēt uz vērtējumu, sūtiet savu komentāru sadaļas “Darba piedāvājumi” koordinatoriem , norādot pakalpojumu sniedzēju, kuram jūs atbildat.
Ja uzskatāt, ka nav ievēroti noteikumi par vērtējuma publicēšanu (piemēram, ja vērtējumu ievietojusi persona, kas nav ar Jums sadarbojusies), lūdzu, sazinieties ar sadaļas darba piedāvājumu koordinatoriem.
Pārpratuma gadījumā darba devējiem ieteicams tieši sazināties ar vērtējumu ievietotājiem. Taču ir aizliegts draudēt vai izdarīt spiedienu uz kādu biedru, lai piespiestu viņu mainīt savu "gatavību turpināt sadarbību" ar Jūsu uzņēmumu; šādu darbību rezultātā darba devēja tiesības izmantot var tikt ierobežotas.
Jūsu atbildēm, tāpat kā pakalpojumu sniedzēju komentāriem, jāaprobežojas ar darba attiecībām un gatavību turpmākai sadarbībai. Personiskas piezīmes no pakalpojumu sniedzēju un darba devēju puses nav pieļaujamas, un portāla personāls tās dzēsīs pēc pirmā pieprasījuma.
3.11 - My company has a great Blue Board page. How can I display this in my profile?
Profile owners who have "Likelihood of working again" (LWA) feedback in their Blue Board pages can show the corresponding statistics in the top-right area of the profile.
The Blue Board is a tool of benefit to both service providers and outsourcers. Outsourcers who are listed and have received positive entries report a higher degree of trust and shortened project launch cycles among those service providers who reference the Blue Board.
Members and other users (like the one displayed below) having both Blue Board page (feedback from service providers) and WWA entries (feedback from outsourcers) can display both in their profiles, with WWA on the left and LWA on the right.
There are three options for the visibility of the LWA information:
a) Invisible to all, including the profile owner:
This is the default condition. The profile owners will see only a "Show LWA options" button that will allow them to move into the next visibility condition.
The owner will see:
b) Visible only to profile owner:
After clicking on the "Show LWA options" button, the LWA statistics will become visible to the profile owner, who will be able to return to the former (invisible) status or to make this feature visible also to visitors.
The owner will see:
In these two cases, visitors to the profile will see no LWA-related information:
c) Visible to all:
When the owner clicks on the "Show to all" button, the LWA statistics will be shown to all visitors.
In this case the profile owner will see:
And a visitor to the profile will see:
The link indicating the amount of entries will take visitors to the corresponding Blue Board page, while the "Make a LWA entry" link will give them direct access to the form where they will be able to leave an entry for that particular outsourcer.
3.12 - How can I affiliate a profile to a Blue Board record?
To affiliate a profile to certain Blue Board record, please submit a support request to Staff to ask for the affiliation to be made. Please provide the link of the Blue Board record and the profile you would like to affiliate.
3.13 - I have been affiliated to an outsourcer I am not related with. What should I do?
If your profile has been affiliated with an outsourcer you are not related to, please submit a support request to ask for the removal of such affiliation.
Have in mind that profiles are affiliated with Blue Board records on the basis of jobs posted by the profile in the name of a given outsourcer, among other activity.
3.14 - A service provider has posted a non-payment complaint in my Blue Board record. What should I do?
If a service provider has posted a non-payment complaint in your Blue Board record and this issue has already been resolved, instruct the service provider to contact staff via support request to confirm payment has been made so that the issue can be marked as resolved.
If the issue has not been resolved, please do so. Remember that Job posting rules state that payment commitments must be upheld. Once the issue has been resolved, ask the service provider to contact staff to confirm the situation.
Finally, if non-payment derives from quality issues with the job delivered by the service provider or with a late delivery of the project, please contact site staff via support request and provide the email correspondence in which the service provider has been notified of the issue.
3.15 - Is it possible to contest a non-payment report before it is made public?
As of April 2016, if you are a Business member of and receive a non-payment report on your company’s Blue Board record, then you will be notified by site staff via email before that entry is made publicly visible. If the entry is not in line with the rules for leaving Blue Board feedback as described in this FAQ, or if the non-payment report is no longer valid, then you will be given the opportunity to provide the relevant correspondence to prove this.
The Blue Board Applications system allows outsourcers to review and accept applications from members who meet the required qualifications.
4.2 - For Service providers:
2.1 - Where can I see a list of outsourcers looking for applications from translators and/or interpreters?
You will find a list of outsourcers that are looking for applications from translators and/or interpreters in the Applications page.
Note that only the outsourcers you qualify to apply will be shown.
To submit your application, just click on Apply now and complete the application form.
2.2 - Where can I see a record of applications I submitted?
For the time being, applications submitted are not recorded. However, if you have already submitted an application for a Blue Board outsourcer, the date in which your application was submitted should show in the "Action" column of the applications page.
2.3 - How many applications can I send?
Site members are able to send an unlimited number of applications per month. However, you must wait 90 days before submitting another application to the same outsourcer.
If your application has not been acknowledged by the outsourcer, you will not be able to submit another application for that particular outsourcer until they have done so.
2.4 - Why I am not allowed to send my application?
The Blue Board Applications system is provided as a service to members only. Professional and Business members may submit their applications as part of this system.
Outsourcers may also choose to restrict who can apply by language pair(s), native language(s), working/specialty discipline(s), and country of residence.
2.5 - If I send my application and it is not accepted, will I be informed?
Outsourcers have the ability to accept or reject applications, and optionally send an e-mail to the applicant.
2.6 - Can I use the information available in my profile when submitting an application?
Site members may automatically submit information from their profiles from fields such as KudoZ points, Project History, phone number, etc.
Outsourcers can view applications sent to them by clicking the "Applications Received" tab in the Outsourcer Control Center .
3.2 - Where I can adjust my application preferences?
Outsourcers that have a Blue Board record affiliated with their account may start to accept applications by setting their preferences in the "Application Preferences" tab of the Outsourcer Control Center .
3.3 - Why am I not able to adjust my "Application Preferences"? staff reserve the right to limit the use of Blue Board Applications system. Companies with low average Blue Board entries will not be able to set up their "Application Preferences". Access is also unavailable to outsourcers whose records contain open reports of non-payment.