Glossary entry (derived from question below)
angļu term or phrase:
latviešu translation:
Added to glossary by
Klavs Kalnacs
Jul 11, 2007 15:11
17 yrs ago
angļu term
angļu - latviešu
Medicīna (vispārīgi)
Teksts ir par to, kaa darbojas instinkti. Teikums: Your brain is intricately linked to other parts of your body through an extensive nervous system as well as through chemical signals (hormones, neurotransmitters, and modulators). Termina skaidrojums: a chemical carrying communication between nerves: a chemical that carries messages between different nerve cells or between nerve cells and muscles, e.g. to trigger or prevent an impulse in the receiving cell. Excitatory neurotransmitters trigger a nerve impulse in the receiving cell, while inhibitory neurotransmitters act to prevent further transmission of an impulse.
Proposed translations
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Evija Rimšāne
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Proposed translations
7 min
Viela, kura izdalās no nervu šūnas sekretorā nervgala sinapsē, difūzijas ceļā šķērso sinapses spraugu un saistās ar specifiskajiem receptoriem postsinaptiskajā membrānā.
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