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3 results found:

Title Cover Author Language pair Description Feedback
English-Spanish, Spanish-English electrical and computer engineering dictionary Steven M. Kaplan; ed. adv. board: Ram©đn Pa angļu - spāņu
spāņu - angļu
Nearly 50,000 essential words and phrases spanning electrical and computer engineering
2.5 (2 entries)
Law dictionary Steven H. Gifis angļu
A 3,000-term monolingual dictionary explaining the main law terms. A solid, easy-to-carry, handy reference for on-the-go or even court work. Paperback...
5 (2 entries)
Wiley's English-Spanish, Spanish-English Business Dictionary Steven M. Kaplan angļu - spāņu
spāņu - angļu
Steven M. Kaplan's comprehensive but concise business and financial dictionary also covers insurance and legal terms. Regional usages in both language...
1 (2 entries)