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Translation for environmental organizations.

This discussion belongs to training » "Translation for environmental organizations.".
You can see the training page and participate in this discussion from there.

Masako Johnson
Masako Johnson  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:05
angļu - japāņu
+ ...
I won't be able to attend this. But, I am very interested. Mar 10, 2015

Will you have this in downloadable file? Or, do you have a plan to give this class in near future?

Anneta Vysotskaya
Anneta Vysotskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:05
Biedrs (kopš 2005)
angļu - krievu
+ ...
The webinar will be recorded Mar 12, 2015

The webinar will be recoreded. Even if you do not attend the online session you will still have unlimited access to the video recording and training materials within one working week after the course.
The webinar can be run again later in the year but not in near future
Kind regards
Anneta the trainer

AmandaSD  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:05
spāņu - angļu
Not in My Videos Mar 16, 2015

I couldn't watch the webinar live because it was in the middle of the night in my time zone. I clicked the link to My Videos and it is not showing up in the folder. I did purchase the webinar a few weeks ago. Any ideas?

Thank you

Anneta Vysotskaya
Anneta Vysotskaya  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:05
Biedrs (kopš 2005)
angļu - krievu
+ ...
For Amanda Mar 17, 2015

Hi Amanda
If you still cannot watch the webinar you need to contact Helen [email protected].
I think it may take some time before they download it
I hope you will enjoy the webinar
You are also very wecome to join Environmenatl Translators team.
Kind regards

Masako Johnson
Masako Johnson  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:05
angļu - japāņu
+ ...
Thank you and more question Mar 18, 2015

I was able to find the video. Thank you. But, the training materials is not showing up. Could you help?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Thank you and more question Mar 19, 2015

MJohnson wrote:

I was able to find the video. Thank you. But, the training materials is not showing up. Could you help?

Hello MJohnson,

I have resent the link with materials as requested. Hope this helps.

My bests,

Masako Johnson
Masako Johnson  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:05
angļu - japāņu
+ ...
Thank you! Mar 19, 2015

Thank you for your help.


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Translation for environmental organizations.

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