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Becoming an Outsourcer: Your Business Plan

This discussion belongs to training » "Becoming an Outsourcer: Your Business Plan".
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Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Share your questions before the session Jul 11, 2013

Dear all,

Thank you for expressing your interest in the training "Becoming an Outsourcer: Your Business Plan".

Please feel free to highlight any particular related topic you wish to be taken into consideration during the session here in the forum. Alternatively you may prepare questions to be discussed during the webinar Q&A phase.

See you on the webinar!

My bests,

Felipe de la Cruz
Felipe de la Cruz  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:01
franču - spāņu
Later availability Jul 18, 2013

If I attend to the online course, is it possible to follow it again through the video on the next week without a new payment?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Later availability Jul 18, 2013

Alpha Translations wrote:

If I attend to the online course, is it possible to follow it again through the video on the next week without a new payment?

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your interest in the training. Indeed, the session will be recorded. Even if you do not attend the live session you will still have unlimited access to the webinar video and handouts shortly after the webinar (within one working week). You can watch it as many times and when it is needed.

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Guillermo Urbina Valdés
Guillermo Urbina Valdés  Identity Verified
Apvienotā Karaliste
spāņu - angļu
+ ...
Time of course Jul 26, 2013

The email I was sent states that the time is 5:00 pm GMT while the website shows that it's 5:00 pm CEST. Could you clarify the correct time for the course?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Time of course Jul 26, 2013

Guillermo Urbina Valdés wrote:

The email I was sent states that the time is 5:00 pm GMT while the website shows that it's 5:00 pm CEST. Could you clarify the correct time for the course?

Hello Guillermo,

Thank you for your interest in the training.

Automatic notifications emailed from the GTW platform always show start time in GMT along with training duration, like:

Fri, Jul 26, 2013 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM GMT

The two hour online session will start at 3pm GMT which is 5pm CEST,

Once you report your time zone at, , you will see all events start time in your local time. Hope this helps.

My bests,

Beth Fagnant
Beth Fagnant  Identity Verified
spāņu - angļu
+ ...
Start Jul 26, 2013

Has it started yet?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Start Jul 26, 2013

kuletatz wrote:

Has it started yet?

Hello kuletatz,

The session will start in about 10 minutes, at 3 pm GMT:

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Wine Meccas
Wine Meccas  Identity Verified
Apvienotā Karaliste
Local time: 22:01
angļu - poļu
+ ...
Becoming an Outsourcer: Your Business Plan - access to the video and the materials Jul 27, 2013

Could you provide a link to the video and the materials from the webinar? I was not able to attend but I read that the materials would be available online for a week.
Thanks and regards,

Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei
Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:01
japāņu - angļu
Clarification Jul 27, 2013

So if I understand correctly, the video for this session will eventually become available here ( even for those who didn't attend the session? I'm very interested in the topic, but I didn't even know this was happening until it was over.

Irene Koukia
Irene Koukia  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:01
Biedrs (kopš 2008)
vācu - grieķu
+ ...
Clarification Jul 30, 2013

TransAfrique wrote:

So if I understand correctly, the video for this session will eventually become available here ( even for those who didn't attend the session? I'm very interested in the topic, but I didn't even know this was happening until it was over.

You shall find the Video in this section in few days. Thank you for your interest!

Best regards,

Irene Koukia
Irene Koukia  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:01
Biedrs (kopš 2008)
vācu - grieķu
+ ...
Becoming an Outsourcer: Your Business Plan - access to the video and the materials Jul 30, 2013

Pawel Gruntowski wrote:

Could you provide a link to the video and the materials from the webinar? I was not able to attend but I read that the materials would be available online for a week.
Thanks and regards,

You shall receive the material and the recording within the week. Thank you for your interest!

Best regards,

Louise Etheridge
Louise Etheridge
Apvienotā Karaliste
Local time: 22:01
Access to the video Aug 9, 2013

How can we can access to the video, as this webinar has already taken place? The link to the video does not seem to work.

Many thanks


Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Access to the video Aug 9, 2013

Louise Etheridge wrote:

How can we can access to the video, as this webinar has already taken place? The link to the video does not seem to work.

Many thanks


Hello Louise,

I have resent a link to the video and handouts as requested. Hope this helps.

My bests,

Dana David Kogan
Dana David Kogan  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:01
rumāņu - ebreju
+ ...
Becoming an Outsourcer: Your Business Plan webminar Aug 11, 2013

Hello Helen
I too would like to receive the recorded link of this webimar.
Thank you,

Wine Meccas
Wine Meccas  Identity Verified
Apvienotā Karaliste
Local time: 22:01
angļu - poļu
+ ...
Materials from the webinar Aug 27, 2013

Please advise where I can find the materials from the webinar. I thought they would be send by email but I haven't received them yet.

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Becoming an Outsourcer: Your Business Plan

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