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i04-Healthcare Translation & Interpretation

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Kat Cardona
Kat Cardona
Local time: 18:00
angļu - spāņu
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preguntas Mar 10, 2011

El deposito debo hacerlo a nombre de quien?
Emitiran un certificado de este curso?

Claudia Brauer
Claudia Brauer  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:00
Biedrs (kopš 2011)
angļu - spāņu
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Pregunta Mar 13, 2011

Gracias por su pregunta, Kat. En breve alguien de ProZ respondera a la pregunta.

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
angļu - spāņu
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Sigue el proceso de pago Mar 14, 2011

Hola, Kat.

Para pagar con depósito bancario debes hacer click en el botón de pago (arriba a la derecha) y elegir la opción "wire transfer". En el tercer paso recibirás todos los datos e instrucciones para realizar el pago.

Al finalizar el curso se entregarán certificados de asistencia.

No dudes en contactarnos si necesitas asistencia.

Saludos cordiales,


saravalenzuela  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:00
Biedrs (kopš 2024)
angļu - spāņu
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lugar del curso Mar 15, 2011

Esto se hara a traves de internet o en un lugar especifico en USA?

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
angļu - spāņu
+ ...
El curso es online Mar 15, 2011

¡Hola Sara!

El curso es en línea. Solamente tenés que tener una conexión a Internet estable y auriculares o parlantes para participar. Después de anotarte te llegará un enlace para acceder a la plataforma virtual a la hora del curso.

No dudes en contactarnos si tenés alguna otra pregunta.

Saludos desde Argentina,


James_xia  Identity Verified
angļu - ķīniešu
+ ...
Great experience! Mar 16, 2011

Being exposed to such training courses for the very first time, I had a great experience in everything such as the organizing efforts, technical preparation for easier understanding, and the above all, the content, which was quite enlightening...

The pace was a little slower, but the later part caught up. The video flow was not that much smooth, and this might be somewhat a pity, for we're unable to completely appreciate the live performance.

Anyway, it's worth attending th
... See more
Being exposed to such training courses for the very first time, I had a great experience in everything such as the organizing efforts, technical preparation for easier understanding, and the above all, the content, which was quite enlightening...

The pace was a little slower, but the later part caught up. The video flow was not that much smooth, and this might be somewhat a pity, for we're unable to completely appreciate the live performance.

Anyway, it's worth attending the training course both in time and dollars.

Thank you very much, Claudia, for your professionalism and friendliness, and the outstanding organizing work provided by Soledad.


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i04-Healthcare Translation & Interpretation

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