Interpreters » vācu - angļu » Tech/Engineering » Tieslietas (vispārīgi)

The vācu - angļu translators listed below specialize in the field of Tieslietas (vispārīgi). For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

235 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Alfred Scalpello
Alfred Scalpello
Native in maltiešu Native in maltiešu
Expertise and reliability.
Mikhail Suris
Mikhail Suris
Native in krievu Native in krievu
translation, revision, editing, proofreading, English, German, Russian,
Paola Gatto
Paola Gatto
Native in itāļu Native in itāļu
inteprete EN>IT, interprete DE>IT, traduttore EN>IT, traduttore DE>IT, traduttore DE>EN, madrelingua italiana, traduttore, interprete, trattativa, consecutiva, ...
Petra Martina Gottschik
Petra Martina Gottschik
Native in vācu Native in vācu
English, French, German, translations, translator, lectorate, language training, teaching, coaching, economics, ...
Verena Zipperer
Verena Zipperer
Native in vācu (Variant: Swabian) Native in vācu
English, German, finance, legalese, MLA, contracts, loan facilities, risk management, economics
Line Nylandsted
Line Nylandsted
Native in dāņu Native in dāņu, angļu Native in angļu
Ģeoloģija, Ķīmija; ķīmijas zin./inž., Medicīna: kardioloģija, Psiholoģija, ...
Jeannette Eckel
Jeannette Eckel
Native in vācu Native in vācu
law, contract, legal, patent, technical, technology, automotive, pharma, materials science, telecommunications, ...
Dan khatri
Dan khatri
Native in angļu (Variants: US, UK, Canadian, British) Native in angļu
English, Russian, Tajik, Uzbek, Danish. Trados 2011, Tradso 2022, Translation, Subtitling, Transcription
Sue Maatz
Sue Maatz
Native in angļu (Variant: US) Native in angļu, vācu (Variant: Germany) Native in vācu
Marketing, Tourismus, Technik, Maschinenbau
John Burridge
John Burridge
Native in angļu Native in angļu
chemistry, chemie, translations, uebersetzungen, translator, uebersetzer, editing, redaktion, techcical writing, biology, ...
Talei Lakeland
Talei Lakeland
Native in angļu (Variants: UK, British) Native in angļu
arabic, german, french, translation, proofreading, editing, modern standard arabic, hocharabisch, arabe, anglais, ...
Charles Stanford
Charles Stanford
Native in angļu Native in angļu
Czech, Slovak, German, Dutch, French, legal, law, contracts, certificates, pharmaceuticals, ...
Hannah Gunasingh
Hannah Gunasingh
Native in angļu (Variants: Indian, US, British) Native in angļu
translation, interpretation, German, English, French, Tamil: technical documents, legal documents, emails, letters, medical reports, ...
Mari-Ligia Condrea
Mari-Ligia Condrea
Native in rumāņu Native in rumāņu
Provider, translation, services, translation provider, translator, writer, services provider, professional, professional translation, Romanian language, ...
Native in vācu Native in vācu, spāņu Native in spāņu
tourism, media, marketing, sales, micro-economics, micro-economics, religion, history, music, literature, ...
Jochen Metzger
Jochen Metzger
Native in vācu Native in vācu
legal translations & interpreting / tv reports / artificial intelligence / English, French, German, sworn-in, simultaneous, consecutive, memoQ, computational linguistics, prompt, English, ...
Sea Translation
Sea Translation
Native in ķīniešu (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin, Traditional, Cantonese, Taiwanese) Native in ķīniešu, indonēziešu Native in indonēziešu, angļu Native in angļu
thai, tai, vietnamese, indonesian, malay, tagalog, burmese, cambodian, lao, chinese/mandarin, ...
Olav Balslev
Olav Balslev
Native in dāņu Native in dāņu, angļu Native in angļu
Advertising, Agriculture, Agronomy and Crop Science, Anatomy, Animal Sciences, Anthropology, Archaeology, Architecture, Art, Banking and Financial, ...
Karin T
Karin T
Native in vācu Native in vācu
architecture, engineering, technical documentation, specification, winding machines, calender, unwinder, rewinder, civil engineering, Architektur, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in angļu Native in angļu
Māksla, daiļamatniecība, gleznošana, Medicīna: kardioloģija, Elektronika / elektromašīnbūve, Inženierzinātne (vispārīgi), ...

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vācu - angļu interpreters specializing in:

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.