Interpreters » angļu - spāņu » Marketing » Datori: programmatūra

The angļu - spāņu translators listed below specialize in the field of Datori: programmatūra. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

395 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Native in grieķu Native in grieķu
Greek translations, Greek translator, Law Greek translations, Biology and Medicine Greek translations, Literature and poetry Greek translations, Religion and Theology Greek translations, legal texts greek translations, Memorandum & Articles of Association, BoD Minutes, Patents, ...
Xuan Zhao
Xuan Zhao
Native in ķīniešu (Variants: Mandarin, Simplified) Native in ķīniešu
more than 10 years' experience, Chinese native translator, language pair EN<>CN and ES<>CN, based in Spain
Lynnette Addis
Lynnette Addis
Native in angļu Native in angļu
spanish, portuguese, french, IT, website, low rates, professional, reliable, short deadlines, accurate, ...
Maria Teague
Maria Teague
Native in angļu (Variant: US) Native in angļu, spāņu (Variants: Latin American, Argentine) Native in spāņu
Professional, Reliable and Accurate English-Spanish-Portuguese Translator, translations, fast service, accuracy
Paola Luppino
Paola Luppino
Native in spāņu (Variant: Latin American) Native in spāņu
English, Swedish, Subtitling, Human Rights, Education, Music, Subtitle Workshop, Subtitle Edit.
Antonio Contreras
Antonio Contreras
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, inglés, alemán, francés, italiano, español, ...
Marcel Gomez
Marcel Gomez
Native in spāņu (Variants: Mexican, Latin American, Peruvian, Latin American, Peruvian) Native in spāņu
Japanese, English, Spanish, Chinese, Peru, translation, trados, experienced, price, trade, ...
Alfonso Perpiña-Robert Navarro
Alfonso Perpiña-Robert Navarro
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu, katalāņu Native in katalāņu
Law, technical, finance, sports, medical, web content, psychology, education, video games, casino online, ...
Valeria Verona
Valeria Verona
Native in spāņu (Variant: Latin American) Native in spāņu
English, Spanish, translations, interpreting, translation services, dubbing, subtitling, localization, software localization, internationalization, ...
Martin Damiano Alcorta
Martin Damiano Alcorta
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Traductor inglés español, translation, video game localisation, video game localization, video games, videogames, videojuegos, web localisation, Localization, web localization, ...
Ana P. Gutierrez
Ana P. Gutierrez
Native in angļu Native in angļu, spāņu Native in spāņu
Conference Interpreter, Conference Interpretation, Interprete en Espanol, Conference Interpreter in San Diego, Tourist Interpreter, Tourism Spanish Translator, California Spanish Translator, Escort Spanish Translator, Escort Spanish Interpreter, Periodista Bilingue, ...
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
English, Spanish, translation, localization, software, web, IT, medical
Alfonso Romero
Alfonso Romero
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
spanish, english, translation, editing, proofreading, computers, automotive industry, internet, web, programming, ...
Carlos Abelheira
Carlos Abelheira
Native in portugāļu (Variant: Brazilian) Native in portugāļu
english, portuguese, computers, it, technology, oil, gas, localization, medical, military, ...
Dr. Codrina Cozma
Dr. Codrina Cozma
Native in angļu Native in angļu
Romanian, French, Spanish, German, English, certificate, religion, business, contracts
Aleksandra Wójcik
Aleksandra Wójcik
Native in poļu Native in poļu, spāņu Native in spāņu
traductor polaco, traductor de polaco, traductor polaco español, traductor español polaco, traductor espanol polaco, traductor polaco espanol, traducciones de polaco, traducciones polaco, traducción polaco, traducción polaco españa, ...
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Native in angļu (Variant: British) Native in angļu, spāņu (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu
Law, contract, deed, legal, affidavit, pleadings, medical, health, genetics, domestic violence, ...
Native in galisiešu Native in galisiešu, spāņu Native in spāņu
Translator. Proofreader. Linguist. Traductrice. Traductora. Education, Tourism and travelling, Literature, Art, Telecommunications, IT, Legal, Business & Finance, Fashion, Textiles, ...
Nuria Ollero
Nuria Ollero
Native in spāņu (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spāņu, katalāņu (Variant: Central) Native in katalāņu
Spanish, Catalan, editing, proofreading, transcription, captioning, subtitling, desktop publishing, DTP, In Design, ...
Marcos Romano
Marcos Romano
Native in spāņu Native in spāņu
Philosophie, Psychologie, Wirtschaft, Unternehmen, Literatur, Technik, Antropología, Psicología, Religión, Ciencias sociales, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.