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Search results: (61 matches)
Getting established Best legal form for freelance translators in Sweden Hi everyone, I have been established as a
freelance translator in my home country for more
than two decades and I am now moving to Sweden.
Since I don't speak Swedish yet and have no id
Nina Snoj Oct 20, 2022
Translation Theory and Practice Three Symptoms of Translator's Dementia For what it's worth...
Nina Snoj Sep 25, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you clean your keyboard? Very frequently I have a MacBook - I have to!:) Nina Snoj Mar 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: What would you do if you were not a translator ? I wouldn't mind being a ...chef or a spy:) Nina Snoj Mar 22, 2007
Internet for translators How to upload a webpage Hola Andrea I just sent you a message in private. Nina Snoj Mar 1, 2007
Internet for translators How to upload a webpage First of all, thank you all ... for your advice. Ahmad, I downloaded the Cute
FTP and it really does seem to be very simple to
use. I also checked the links recommended by Ramon
and Chris, which seem to be very usef
Nina Snoj Mar 1, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you unwind at the end of a long day? A little bit of everything I try to do a little bit of (almost) everything;
any physical activity followed by a hot shower,
good wine and a delicious meal, perhaps some
reading, a movie or an interesting
Nina Snoj Feb 28, 2007
Internet for translators How to upload a webpage How to upload a webpage Dear colleagues, I recently finished working on
my own homepage (very simple Frontpage piece of
art), but I now have problems uploading it to the
webpage. I was wondering if anyone of
Nina Snoj Feb 28, 2007
Money matters How to transfer money from PayPal to Moneybookers PayPal - limited use As far I as know, I can send money via PayPal to
anyone who has an e-mail address without the need
of having a bank account (have done that in the
Nina Snoj Feb 7, 2007
Money matters How to transfer money from PayPal to Moneybookers Additional costs Well, I am willing to pay a reasonable cost of
such service, because it will help me deal with my
accounting, not to mention the fact that PayPal
only works in certain countries. I wonder
Nina Snoj Feb 7, 2007
Money matters How to transfer money from PayPal to Moneybookers How to transfer money from PayPal to Moneybookers I guess it isn't even possible, but if anyone has
ever done it, I would really like to know more
about it. Thank you!
Nina Snoj Feb 7, 2007
Software applications Anyone have information about Translation Office 3000? Too many functions My personal opinion is that TO 3000 has too many
functions; I prefer to keep it simple which is why
I went back to my Excel/Access database. However,
I am not saying anything negative abou
Nina Snoj Mar 1, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Ljubljana - Slovenia Meni ustreza ...kadarkoli in kjerkoli, najraje pa v Lj, ker mi
je najblizje.Lp.Nina
Nina Snoj Feb 5, 2006
CAT Tools Technical Help Dragon Naturally Speaking in combination with Wordfast Dragon Naturally Speaking in combination with Wordfast Dear colleagues, I recently purchased Dragon
Naturally Speaking 8.0. I would like to know how
to use it together with Wordfast.Any tips are
welcome since I couldn't find much on the
Nina Snoj Jan 19, 2006
Interpreting Master in Conference Interpretation in Tenerife Admission test Hello again, I am on the mailing list of the
Interpret. dept. of the La Laguna University and
according to them you can do the test in Tenerife
(13-18th June) or Madrid (20.-25th June).
Nina Snoj Apr 18, 2005
Money matters How to transfer money from Moneybookers to PayPal? Finances clearly aren't my strongest point.. ...but as far as I know and according to some
people around here, you transfer the money to your
credit card or it's taken automatically from you
bank account AFTER making the purchase.
Nina Snoj Feb 22, 2005
Money matters How to transfer money from Moneybookers to PayPal? Proz Payments I have an actual bank account where I recieve
money from my Moneybooker's account, but the
problem is that the other day, while purchasing
the Wordfast License through Proz, the only
Nina Snoj Feb 22, 2005
Money matters How to transfer money from Moneybookers to PayPal? Thanks for sharing this I had no idea, but then again, I am quite new to
both systems. The problem is that most of my
"assets" :) are in Moneybookers because of
PayPal's bad publicity, but sadly enough, I cannot
Nina Snoj Feb 21, 2005
Money matters How to transfer money from Moneybookers to PayPal? How to transfer money from Moneybookers to PayPal? Moneybookers says that I can send money to anyone
with an existing e-mail address even if they don't
have a Moneybookers account. Where is that person
suppose to recieve it? And another
Nina Snoj Feb 21, 2005
Money matters How much money do you freelancers earn? Earning more then I would as an in-house translator [quote]Hilary Davies wrote: I work about 70
hours a week - if I didn't need to eat and sleep,
I would earn more! ;-)[/quote] The same happens
to me, but I must tell you that it was o
Nina Snoj Feb 15, 2005
Spanish ¿Cómo funciona Moneybookers en Argentina? ID Verification Hola Lorena, en Eslovenia, primero tuve que
ingresar una cantidad de dinero menor de 15 Euros
a mi cuenta bancaria. Junto con el ingreso vino
una clave. Con esta clave me meti en mi cue
Nina Snoj Feb 9, 2005
Trados support New to Trados - how long before my productivity will increase? Sharing is okay As soon as my translation memory for
Spanish-Slovene legal terms is finished, I am more
then happy to pass a copy to my colleague (and
competitor) because in a small country such as
Nina Snoj Jan 2, 2005
Interpreting Interpreting rates In Slovenia, too ... simultaneous interpreting is payed better then
consecutive, which is considered to be slightly
easier, and we have a flat rate (up to 7 hours) as
well as an hourly rate. Nice weeken
Nina Snoj Dec 17, 2004
Bosnian Skola Bosanskog jezika Skola Bosanskog jezika Dragi kolegi, dal netko zna gdje u Sloveniji
ili u Bosni mogu nači školu bosanskog
jezika. Puno vam hvala i pozdrav svima iz maglene
Ljubljane... Nina
Nina Snoj Dec 15, 2004
Arabic Looking for an online computer glossary Looking for an online computer glossary Hello all, my friend is looking for an
English-Arabic online dictionary on computer
science, electronics, software or anything
related. Any tip or resource will be greatly
Nina Snoj Dec 14, 2004
Spanish Librerias jurídicas en Madrid Librerias jurídicas en Madrid ¡Hola! Me gustaria saber cual es vuestra
opinion en lo que se refiere a las librerias
jurídicas en Madrid. Tengo constancia de las
siguientes librerias: Intercodex, Libros
Nina Snoj Nov 28, 2004
Interpreting Master in Conference Interpretation in Tenerife Master in Conference Interpretation in Tenerife Hi everyone, I would like to hear from those of
you who have attented this master at the
university of La Laguna in Tenerife, Spain or/and
from those who have any information about
Nina Snoj Nov 26, 2004
Interpreting What was the worst mistake you've ever made as an interpreter? Still no mistakes... ...because I am about to do my first simultaneous
interpretation next week.It should be funny and
interesting (I have been studying the material I
was given for a whole week now) but I get
Nina Snoj Nov 9, 2004
Being independent Need advice on learning another language With a "slight" delay.. ... I thank you all four your thoughts and
suggestions. You are right about improving the
languages I already is something one
realizes with time. All the best, Nina
Nina Snoj Nov 4, 2004
Money matters As a reverse auction site, is genuinely serving translators? (Staff: 'no auctions') I couldn't agree more [quote]Aleksandr Okunev wrote: You see, there
are new translation sites popping up, good, or bad
, but the fact is they are fragmenting the market
and the result is disorder and decli
Nina Snoj Oct 28, 2004
Business issues Creating invoice numbers Do it right from the start... ...and you will avoid a great deal of trouble and
confusion later on; trust me:) When I started
invoicing, I created a time format rather then a
client format (which I think is more pract
Nina Snoj Oct 20, 2004
Interpreting Interpreter in Iraq 450 $... ...may not be much for many (lucky) people, but I
imagine it's a lot for Iraq. Chek out this very
Nina Snoj Sep 18, 2004
Getting established Starting as a freelancer ... need some help Production decreases with time... ...36h of constant work is a lot and if I ever
accepted such a deadline, I would prefer to work
for 14h, then sleep for 8h and work for another 14
hours once I had my rest and a good night
Nina Snoj Sep 18, 2004
Business issues How long do you keep your old translations... Got the CD's, got the shelf.. You are right in not throwing away absolutely
anything. I will copy the files to a CD and save
them, just in case... Thank you all!
Nina Snoj Sep 13, 2004
Business issues How long do you keep your old translations... How long do you keep your old translations... in the archives? Do you save them in a computer or
on discs for future cases? I have glossaries and
contracts that I just don't want to lose because
of further references, but on the othe
Nina Snoj Sep 12, 2004
Being independent Do you inform all customers when absent on business Internet on your mobile phone The other day I went to the Nokia shop in my town
in order to obtain information about using
Internet from my mobile phone. Although still an
expensive service, I find it very practical
Nina Snoj Aug 24, 2004
Multilingual families Anyone speak "Spanglish" at home? Spanglish and Spanglishvenian Yes, we speak Spanglish all the time but lately we
started to invent a brand new language which is
Spanglishvenian: Spanish + English +
Slovenian. We don't really mix all three
Nina Snoj Aug 13, 2004
CAT Tools Technical Help European Union translation software European Union translation software A client told me that they are required by the EU
to use a specific software, based on a memory
building function. Could anyone with experience
in this particular tool tell us how good an
Nina Snoj Jul 29, 2004
Trados support Looking for Trados teacher in Ljubljana (Slovenia) Looking for Trados teacher in Ljubljana (Slovenia) I am looking for a more experienced collegue to
teach me how to use Trados. I live in Ljubljana.
Payment per hour.This week would be ideal (I
suppose 5-10 hours will do...). Thank you!
Nina Snoj Jul 6, 2004
Business issues Which courier service do you recommend...? Which courier service do you recommend...? Dear all, I am sure that many of you use
courier services in order to recieve or send the
documents which need to be translated. I would
really like to hear your opinion on the quali
Nina Snoj Jun 29, 2004
Multilingual families What language do you speak to your partner? Spanglish We are a Spanish-Slovenian couple and when we met
we could only communicate in English, then I
learned Spanish and now he is learning what we do is mix all of them (even
Nina Snoj Jun 27, 2004
Getting established How to Get Work? Low rates... ...are definetly THE problem.Good luck! Nina Nina Snoj Jun 21, 2004
Money matters Argentina rates: really that low? I agree, but... ...perhaps its because we can afford to think
about our next holidays and people in their
situations can only afford to think how to pay the
bills and how to feed the kids. I absolutely
Nina Snoj Jun 2, 2004
Spanish Encuesta: la mejor manera de aprender un idioma Se me ocurren unas cuantas pero... ..excluyendo la de tener un novio fraces que es,
sin duda, la mejor manera de aprender la lengua,
te puedo recomendar algunos otros. Vive la lengua
que quieres aprender aunque no estes en
Nina Snoj Feb 23, 2004
Getting established Can you recommend a reliable e-fax service? Thank you all! Thank you all dear colleagues for your answers. I
love coming here and getting first-hand,
contrasted information. If I can help anyone in
any way, just let me know. P.S. Still don't
Nina Snoj Feb 2, 2004
Getting established What's the next language I should learn? Opinions, please. Which culture do you like the most? I am in the same mess as you are. I am thinking
between Arabic, Portugese or Chinese. Now, you
absolutely have to like the culture or the country
where you are going to have to spend some
Nina Snoj Jan 31, 2004
Getting established Can you recommend a reliable e-fax service? Can you recommend a reliable e-fax service? Hi everyone, After years of using HP Officejet
V40 fax, which to be honest doesn't provide the
service that HP is known for, and after numerous
intents of repairing it, I have decided t
Nina Snoj Jan 31, 2004
Off topic The stupid things we do Things better not to say I borrow this story from my friend who is a
hairdresser (not that I dont have "stupid" stories
of my own...). Oneday a regular client comes in
and, in front of everybody who was in the sa
Nina Snoj Sep 22, 2003
Being independent Advice on pricing English as a foreign language lessons In Spain.. English teaching is paid per hour and company
classes start at 25 or 30 €. Good luck!
Nina Snoj Jul 17, 2003
Getting established Advice on changing career focus Be creative.. I dont know if what I am about to say is very
creative but it worked for me. I send out 10-20
mails everyday, addressed to companies of all
types that have recently published a webpage.
Nina Snoj Jul 15, 2003

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