Powwow Report for United Kingdom - London (Jul 30 2011)

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Report from  Oliver Walter
This was a good powwow, attended by 18 Prozians (and 1 non-prozian visitor as the guest of 1 prozian). My plan for half an hour of organised activity after the usual initial non-organised (but still civilised!) period was put into action at about 16:30 and was well received: everybody present introduced themselves for a few seconds, and then I chaired a session in which one person at a time would ask a question and the others would volunteer replies. This went so well that my expected half-hour lasted for about an hour! There were questions, for example, about pricing, CAT tools, and finding clients, and I think everybody felt that it had been worth their while to come to this powwow.

Photos from  Oliver Walter

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: organizer : photos : report : host
Oliver Walter
Maureen Wilkins (X)
Melania Bertini
Michal Glowacki
Steve Poynter
Barry Appleby
Sarah Michel
Ilenia Goffredo
Oryngul Jumasheva
Mari Carmen Civera
Montague3000 (X)
Anna Asbury
Danielle Martins

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Aug 3 '11  yulia_do: Thank you
Thank you very much Oliver, this was the first Powwow for me and I really appreciated the friendly atmosphere and plenty of advice from colleagues. I found this format of networking to be very helpful. I would very much like to attend the next Powwow.
Aug 1 '11  Maureen Wilkins (X): Another thanks to Oliver
I would like to add my thanks to Oliver for organising a very enjoyable and useful Pow Wow. I\'m sorry I had to dash off early as I\'d arranged to meet my husband at 5pm. I would very much like to attend another one.
Jul 31 '11  Sarah Michel: Thank you
Thank you to Oliver Walter for organising this powwow in London. It was the first I had ever visited and I was glad I attended. I was able to learn more about the trade- and share experiences gained. I will definitely be at the next one. Apologies to all that I came a little late and left early- lots of things to do that day - next time I will be on time and leave late:)